Saab International 2016 12th-14th August
Sweden Vadstena- April 28, 2016
- Posted by Richard Elliott
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Saab International 2016 in Sweden
Overall program basic activities
Thursday Pre-meeting at the evening for organizers and early guests Friday Pre-tours arriveCheck-in
Official welcome
Several tours and museums close to Vadstena are open
Barbecue evening with easy Saab related activities Saturday Trip to Linköping (separate program)
- Track day activities
- Tours around Linköping
- Historic show with premiere demonstration of the new Saab 92
- Visit at Swedish Air Force Museum
- Scenic tour
Saturday Night Dinner Party at the Vadstena castle Sunday Car exhibition
Swap meet and spare parts market
International chairmans meeting
Official sign-off-coffee
Friday evening barbeque
Friday evening there is a barbecue party will have different food styles available. The dinner will be a floating mix between guidance around the castle, a Saab-pub with keynote speakers and food.
Saturday Night Dinner Party
Party will [...]
Saab National 2016 29th-31st July
Saabs In Wales- April 28, 2016
- Posted by Richard Elliott
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The Saab Owners Club GB are proud to announce that the online booking for ‘Saabs in Wales’ is now officially open.
You can register online by filling in the online booking form HERE or alternatively you can download the booking form HERE
Admission tariffs for the weekend are as follows:
SOC member – Single Day Pass Saturday £10 per vehicle
Non member – Single Day Pass Saturday £12 per vehicle
SOC member – Single Day Pass Sunday £10 per vehicle
Non member -Single Day Pass Sunday £12 per vehicle
SOC member – Weekend Camping inc Passes £60 [...]
Get your Saab off to a Fresh Start with our cracking Spring Check Offer
Spring Check including Aircon Debug only £29.99- April 28, 2016
- Posted by Richard Elliott
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Even a vehicle designed to survive the harshest winter conditions needs some occasional TLC. Cold temperatures, freezing conditions and gritted roads put strains on your engine, brakes, heating system and tyres. And a spring check and aircon debug is the easiest way to ensure a new season of trouble-free motoring.
Spring Check includes:
• Check heater controls, internal blower speeds and drive belt
• Check system for leaks
• Check brakes – pads and discs
• Check tyres – monitor tread depth and adjust tyre pressures
• Check/correct fluid levels – oil, water, screenwash, brake fluid levels
• 30-minute specialist debug treatment to neutralise odours and bacteria
Freshen your interior with a
While the weather’s still undecided, why not give your carpets a helping hand off too. A brand-new [...]
- April 27, 2016
- Posted by Richard Elliott
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During the business year of 2015 Nevs became debt free after settling the final composition with its creditors in September. Overall Nevs presents good finances and cash flow and it has sufficient funding to cover its investments. Several strategic agreements have been signed during 2015, with partners that not only support the business plan but also share the vision about shaping mobility for a more sustainable future.
At the time of compiling this report the company’s liquid assets amount to more than SEK 1.1 billion, due to a capital contribution from the owners of SEK 1.8 billion. The owners have agreed to additional funding of around SEK 1 billion to fund the business during the initial phase. Simultaneously, the company will continue its dialogue with financial partners to ensure long-term financing during the implementation of the next step of the business plan.
As expected, the result for 2015 is negative, however, the deficit of SEK 335 [...]
- April 27, 2016
- Posted by Richard Elliott
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On March 15, 2016, National Electric Vehicle Sweden AB (Nevs) and State Grid Electric Vehicle Service Co., Ltd. signed a Strategic Cooperation Framework agreement.
“I am very proud that State Grid has chosen Nevs as a preferred partner for mobility solutions and as a supplier of electric vehicles. State Grid plays a very strategic and operational role in China’s transformation to more sustainable solutions”, said Stefan Tilk, Vice Chairman Nevs.
Facts about State Grid
State Grid Corporation of China (SGCC) was established as a state-owned enterprise on December 29, 2002. As the largest public service company in the world, SGCC ranked 7th on Fortune Global 500. SGCC constructs and operates power grids as its core business, to provide safer, cleaner, and more economic and sustainable power supply. As a super-large state-owned enterprise crucial to national energy security, SGCC operates as a group with CNY 200 billion registered capital and 1.87 million employees.
State Grid Electric [...]
- April 27, 2016
- Posted by Richard Elliott
- Comments Off on Nevs has signed a framework agreement about acquiring a stake in a transport vehicle manufacturing company in Fujian province, China
New Long Ma (NLM), is located in the Fujian province, and is a part of the Fujian Motors Group, owned by the Fujian provincial government. The company has during the last three years invested three billion RMB in a new plant that today has a production capacity of 150 000 vehicles per year.
NLM’s product portfolio includes an electric commercial distribution minivan which is a part of the agreement. Today this product is the third most sold electric minivan in China, with over 12 000 units sold during its first production year 2015.
“This deal broadens our product portfolio with an additional vehicle type which contribute to our vision of sustainable transport solutions. The deal is of significant strategic importance to implement our business plan and this will speed up our time to market.“ Said Kai Johan Jiang, Chairman of Nevs.
The cooperation will also play an active role in fulfilling Nevs’ offer to Panda New [...]